Wednesday, July 31, 2019

China Global Imbalances, Reserve Currency and Global Economic

Global imbalances, Reserve currency, and Global economic governance The accepted hypotheses for the root cause of global economic imbalances are: 1)East Asian economies’ export-led growth: recently the integration with international markets leads to an import and export expansion making the trade surpluses in EA dramatically increase. It had a great success in EA producing higher living standards and poverty rates declining. This cannot be the main cause for the emergence of large global imbalances in 2000 and thereafter since before 2000 EA economies’ TB were roughly balances. )Self-insurance motivation for foreign currency reserve accumulation: after the financial crises in the late 1990s, emerging market economies in EA increased their CA surpluses substantially, and they experienced rising international reserves. After 2005 Chinese surpluses and reserves are too large to be justified by the self-insurance motivation. 3)China’s exchange rate policy: the g. i. started to grow in 2002 and China has been accused of causing the imbalance sustaining a large undervaluation of its real exchange rate since 2003, but it is not true because: †¢China trade surplus did not become large until 2005 RMB appreciated against US$ by 20% in 2005-2008 but the global imbalances continued to grow †¢Most other developing countries also increased their CA surpluses in the same period (if exchange rate was the cause, the other countries that compete with China would have experience declining trade surpluses and reserves) >The need for an alternative hypothesis: these hypotheses imply that the EA economies are driving the g. i. but is not consistent with the basic statistics.While the US trade deficits with China did increase substantially, the share of the US trade deficit due to EA economies as a region actually declined significantly. The three hypotheses surely contributed but they cannot be the main cause of the global imbalances. >An alternative h ypothesis consistent with the data: it views the g. i. as a result of the status of the US $ as the major global reserve currency, combined with: †¢The lack of appropriate financial sector regulation due to deregulation in the 1980s. The federal reserve’s low interest rate policy following the burst of the â€Å"dotcom† bubble in 2001. These policy changes led to excessive risk-taking and higher leverage, producing excess liquidity and â€Å"bubbles† in the US markets, which enabled the US overconsumption that increased the US CA deficit. As China had become the major producer of labor-intensive processed consumer goods by 2000, the US ran a large deficit with China, which ran trade deficits with the EA economies that provided intermediate products to China.The excess liquidity also led to the large outflow of capital to developing countries, which enhance their investment and consequently in large trade surpluses in capital-goods exporting countries and na tural resources exporting countries. Since the US is the reserve currency issuing country, the foreign reserves accumulated through trade/capital account surpluses in other countries would return to the US leading to the US CA surplus. >Why did China stand out in the global imbalances? : the large CA surplus in China reflects high domestic savings.There are several commonly accepted hypotheses about China’s high households saving rate: such as the lack of well-developed social safety net and the demographics of an aging population. But the uniqueness of China’s savings is the large share of corporate savings, which are driven by the excessive concentration of the financial system that serves the big firms, low taxation on natural resources, and monopolies in some sectors. Reforms are required for removing these distortions and increasing consumption. The role of the reserve currency in global imbalances: the status of the $ as the major global reserve currency, combine d with the financial deregulation of the 1980s and the low interest rate policy of the 2000s, led to the emergence of global imbalances. To prevent their recurrence, the ultimate solution is to replace national currencies as global reserve currencies with a new global currency, but US is unlikely to give up its reserve-issuing privilege to a global body (IMF).A more likely scenario is the emergence of a basket of reserve currencies with some changes in the basket’s consumption and weights. >A win-win solution for the global recovery: the most urgent challenges are high unemployment and the large excess capacity in high-income industrialized countries. Win-win solutions for the global recovery and long-term growth could be based on new international financial arrangements along with structural reforms in both high-income and developing countries.On the financial front it could be created a global recovery fund (supported by hard-currency countries and large-reserve countries a nd managed by multilateral development banks) to finance investments to release bottlenecks and enhance productivity in developing countries. These investments would increase the demand for capital goods produced in high-income countries, reduce their unemployment now, and enhance the developing countries’ growth in the future. The fund could be complemented by structural reforms in high-income and developing countries to create space for investment and to improve the efficiency of investment.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Labeling and Discrimination Essay

Theory is the criminal process. It is the way people and actions are defined as criminal. The one definite thing that all â€Å"criminals† share is the negative social reaction as being labeled as ‘bad†. Law-abiding society often shuns the offender causing them to be stigmatized and stereotyped. The negative label applied to an offender often shapes their self-image and often leads them to live up to their newfound identity by committing acts that are more criminal. Edwin Lemert described this as being secondary deviance caused by primary deviance. The self-concept identifies two major theoretical perspectives. The first concept being that deviant labeling may subsequently influence deviance by altering a person’s self-worth. The role of self-dynamics and symbolic reaction amplifies negative expectations of society. The second concept focuses on social structure aspects of exclusion of offender’s by blocked access to structural opportunities. Matsudo, 1992) This ultimately becomes discrimination for people labeled by society as â€Å"criminals†. â€Å"Felon† is a label that is given to ex-offenders by society that confirms the degrading status that accompanies conviction. This is labeling. An offender is discriminated against because society views them as being â€Å"bad†. In short, a â€Å"felon† is a legal outlaw and social outcast. Not all the good that a person may have done previously suddenly matte rs and society assumes that there is nothing but despicable traits left in this person’s character. Their integrity is lost forever. Society assumes that â€Å"felons† cannot change and it becomes a struggle to be given a second chance to prove that people can, and do change, if the will to do so is there coupled with the tools needed to achieve a crime free life are also. The stigma attached to â€Å"felons† is so great that most opportunities for education, employment, and housing are not easy to obtain. These opportunities (tools) are often blocked because the offender has a criminal conviction. If society wants a lower crime rate then it seems that these opportunities should be available to individuals in this category. In order to rehabilitate individuals there must be a way for them to raise their self-image and seek out a crime free life. A sense of self-pride and achievement for many offenders could be the turning point in life needed for them. In turn, the crime rate would decrease. (Bodwitch, 1993, Freeman, 1991, Hagan, 1991, Link, 1982, Sullivan, 1989) These peoples are no less human or equal than any other except that they have made a mistake. Our society has somehow decided it to be acceptable to treat this group of people, and there are more than two million in the United States, as outcasts, undeserving of housing, employment, or education. Society has decided that â€Å"felons† should not only serve the sentence given as punishment for their crime, they should be punished for the rest of their lives. This seems very unfair and cruel. In my opinion, we as a nation should be not be discriminating against this group of people, but instead should be giving them equal opportunity to be educated so that they can obtain employment to support themselves and their families. They should have the same opportunity to live in adequate housing just as the rest of society does. This would be a step in the right direction to help increase the self- image that has been shattered by labeling and possibly deter any behavior by responding to this labeling by continued criminal activity as a means of defense, adaptation, or by attacking back at society. (Bernberg) Education is the first step to rehabilitating an offender. Many offenders do not even have a high school education. Some cannot read or write. In order to obtain gainful employment sufficient to support one’s self or a family, they must have at least a basic education. If not, some form of crime will be used to compensate for the lack of income provided by employment. In order to be employed by any company you must have a high school diploma or a GED certificate. Denying education is a form of discrimination to suppress a group of people from gainful employment. Employment is one of the hardest things for an offender to obtain. Employment applications ask for any convictions to be listed. If an offense is not listed on the application, it can be a reason for termination. Anyone that does choose not to disclose their convictions runs the risk of losing benefits from years of employment such as their retirement benefits and/or medical coverage. More often than not, if an offense is listed on the application it will be a disqualifying factor for consideration of the position. Even if the offense does not disqualify the applicant the mere fact that there are so many people looking for work that the applicant without any previous convictions will probably be placed ahead on the qualifying list for employment. Most employers view a â€Å"felon† just as the rest of society does. They do not want a person of this character working for them because they may view them as being dishonest, or they might even be frightened of the â€Å"felon†. This practice of asking for convictions on employment applications is also a form of discrimination. It greatly reduces the possibility of gainful employment for â€Å"criminals† by asking for this information. The past convictions of a person does not have any bearing on whether or not they are the best qualified applicant for the position offered by a company. If any person is denied employment and has no way to support himself or his family, that person will ultimately turn to some form of crime in order to do so. The offender will adapt and live up to societies expectations of them. If this type of discrimination stops, there is a possibility that more offenders will conform to the expectations of society and rehabilitate into productive citizens, thus, decreasing crime in our communities. Another area of discrimination for offenders is the housing market. Society does not want anyone with a â€Å"criminal† past living in their community among them. An offender can have a conviction that is over twenty years old and still be denied housing in many communities such as mobile home parks, apartment complexes s, private rentals, and even from some home loans. Some communities will not allow anyone with any type of criminal history to live there. A person could have had their offenses dismissed by the court and still be denied because of the accusation alone. Many of the government programs offered to help low-income people are not available to anyone with a felony. A â€Å"felon† is automatically disqualified from receiving any help from government programs. Offender’s often end up living in communities that are offered by â€Å"slum lords† in areas that have a bigger crime rate than in other areas. This practice of discrimination could lead to offenders falling back into committing criminal acts because other criminals surround them, thus, reinforcing a negative self-image possibly leading to a return to criminal activities. If society continues to accept the criminology theory it will continue to cause social problems for both the community and the offender†. Labeling is a stepping stone in the development of criminal careers. †(Benrburg) This social problem ruins people’s lives and creates a pattern of recidivism. The goal of society should be to try to find ways to decrease crime, not condone p ractices that will potentially increase crime. Everyone deserves a second chance in life to correct the mistakes that have made. If society was as quick to give a second chance, as it is to label and condemn someone for their mistakes, we could possibly rehabilitate a good number of offenders into productive citizens. Our nation could even possibly decrease the crime rate at the same time. None of the other practices of the criminal justice system seems to be working very well, maybe an approach of removing the barriers blocking education, employment, and housing might make a positive difference.

keisey report Essay

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter Results indicated that my personality type is that of the Guardian Provides (ESFJ) and my character type is Provider (ESFJ). My results indicated that my personality is the cornerstone of society and that I have a natural talent in managing goods and services-from supervision to maintenance and supply. It also said that I believe in law and order. I take pride in being dependable and trustworthy. I can also be counted on to get the job done. I honor customs and traditions, meticulous about schedules; I’m not comfortable with winging it or blazing new trails. My results also indicated that I am cautious about change and when it comes to changes. I prefer to go slow and look before I leap. When it comes to the needs of people, especially those close to me I approach tasks in organized and thoughtful matter. It also said that I am a keeper of traditions like holidays, and I go out of my way to make sure people are cared and provided for. I totally agree with the results of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, my results couldn’t have been more accurate. I am a person who cares about others, and I have always said that I was born to serve. When it comes to my professional life, no job is beneath me. I am very loyal, a team player, a hard worker and sympathetic to the needs of others. To my surprise the results were very accurate when it said that I am sensitive to the feelings of others. I love to entertain although I may not be the host. I often find myself talking to others, making sure that the needs of the guest are taken care of and making sure that they are involved. I don’t like taking risk nor do I like major changes .What I think can really help me is to have an open mind when it comes to change. I do not agree with the results regarding personal criticism nor am I able to speak with confidence. I can definitely use this information in my work environment such as keeping an open mind to changes, not being quick to judge, and being very cautious.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Theoretical dimensions involving criminal behavior Research Paper

Theoretical dimensions involving criminal behavior - Research Paper Example Cultural norms are actions and practices that are well-accepted in society, while deviant actions are those that are not acceptable. All forms of crime are considered deviant. It is not acceptable for a person to break into the house of someone else and take everything. It is not acceptable for a person to randomly kill another person. Thus, deviants, most especially, criminals, need to be punished in order for them to be accepted again into society. Theories on Criminal Behavior One of the sociological theories that were applied to criminal behavior was Durkheim’s concept of anomie. Anomie is the mismatch between a person’s (or a group’s) beliefs and that of the majority. When a feeling of anomie exists, then the two groups can not exist in the presence of the other. One has to give way, usually, the smaller group adapting the norms of the larger group. When the smaller group decides to continue going against the norms, then conflict would occur. The concept of anomie was used by Robert King Merton and other sociologists to develop what they refer to as the Strain Theory. The strain theory states that social structures and norms within society may pressure citizens to commit crime. It follows Durkheim’s study of anomie and suicide. He believed that a person commits suicide due to a feeling of insignificance and alienation. Merton used Durkheim’s views to further explain deviance and criminal behavior. ... et of social relationships in which members of the society or group are variously implicated." Anomie, the state of normlessness, arises when there is "an acute disjunction between the cultural norms and goals and the socially structured capacities of members of the group to act in accord with them." (Merton, 1968) Merton then links all the three concepts and believes that discontinuities between culture and structure cause deviance. Source: If Merton’s theory would be applied to the social context at present, an example we can use is the common belief that crimes increase in times of economic crisis. People have certain cultural practices, and these practices are supported by the structure (government and economy). Once the structure breaks down, like in an economic crisis, the people would have to adjust their practices. Those who cannot adjust to the new structure, or those who does not want to adjust, tend to do crimes. It’s like a person who steals mo ney from the bank so that he or she can buy food and other basic needs. Robert Agnew further explained Merton’s theory, believing that a theory should not be tied to social class or culture. He popularized the general strain theory, which focused more on an individual’s immediate social environment. He argued that an individual's actual or anticipated failure to achieve positively valued goals, actual or anticipated removal of positively valued behavior, and actual or anticipated presentation of negative behavior all result in strain. For example, if an individual fails to get the kind of attention that he or she expects from others, then that would cause that individual to feel bad about other people. These situations are more common among children, and if this kind of feeling builds up, then

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Portfolio from Qatar exchange Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Portfolio from Qatar exchange - Assignment Example ty of giving maximum returns, but also include in the investment basket of less risky investment assets, with intent of minimizing the investment loss should one asset suffer poor performance (Daniel et al. 1998). As behavioral scientists suggest, most investors tend to be risk averse and taking this into consideration, I carried out proper analysis of the market before deciding on the best class of assets to invest in. This is done by looking at the historical performance of the desired shares to gain a better understanding and hence forecasting of the possible future performance. In the course of carrying out an investment in the money and capital markets, an investor should be up to date with the market information as it plays a bigger part in determining the equity price movement. Also, in considering investing in the stock market an investor should carry out thorough study of the companies in which he intends to purchase the stocks by paying much attention to its financials, the management and also its future plans. Further, for an investor to realize his investment goal, they should adopt an investment strategy that is consistent with his risk tolerance attitude failure to which a mismatch could otherwise lead to maximum loses. The following set of measurements was conducted to assess the performance of different classes of portfolio. We used these tests to perform Treynor Measure, which helped us decide on the best portfolio select the best portfolio among the six options, which has the lowest risk The best portfolio is one that balance returns with risk. Treynor Measure can be used to measure the success of the successful portfolios, by reviewing both risk and return together. To estimate risk, Treynor Measure takes into consideration the beta coefficient, which measures the volatility of the portfolio to the market (HÃ ¼bner 415). The following formula is used to calculate Treynor Measure: In this case, beta is represented by the standard deviation;

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Women and Sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Women and Sexuality - Essay Example This will help in curbing the ever increasing number of victims STIs and other infections. In addition, the use of condoms and other preventive devices should be over emphasized in any adult films or movies. This will help in spreading the message of constant and correct use of protective devices during sexual intercourse. It is also beneficial to regulate the sex industry just like any business is regulated, because there are many advantages attached to it such as, preventing overcrowding in the same business, and unscrupulous trading or getting involved in dangerous business activities. Base on these, the victims of the sex industry or prostitution will always follow the laws to the letter, with those not abiding being liable for punishment. As per decriminalization, it is not necessary to develop a set of extra laws to regulate the sex industry as per the already in place regulatory approaches. This has been demonstrated by countries such Australia and New Zealand. By decriminalization, benefits have been realized in that there has been high compliance. This is because when businesses are treated without discrimination, barriers tend to reduce. There has also been increased transparency in that the model has been perceived as a whole governments approach to regulation (Brents, Barbara and Hausbeck, 2010). According to Bernstein and Elizabeth (2010), regulating this prevailing and escalating industry or commercial sex services premises (SSP) would call for developing consent with the historic location of SSP. Over the years, the legislation concerned with the law have also ensured that the building operating in the vicinity of mixed commercial areas, with no amenity impacts for quite some time and still unable to surrender a DA are not permitted to continue with the business. To allow for independent sex worker, especially those who might be found in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Individual and Organizational Knowledge Interface Term Paper

Individual and Organizational Knowledge Interface - Term Paper Example †¢Ã‚  The Development of Organizations’ personnel in monetary terms and in terms of time spent upon their grooming with respect to the organization’s environment is one of the foremost IT management requirements of present day. The ongoing advancements in the field of Information and Communications technology make it essential for businesses to remain equipped with the latest technologies and trends related to IT Management.   It is required that in order to do the best possible job, the business should budget for training and developing their staff and encouraging it to participate in the training lessons whenever possible. †¢Ã‚  Staff Familiarization is another essential phenomenon. The routines of the staff should be made familiar to the management. This way, better cordial relation is possible which in turn enhances the knowledge sharing paradigm within the organization. †¢Ã‚  Communication Flow is essential. The better the flow of communication wit hin an organization, the better is the adaptation to ever growing technical trends and scenarios. It should be ensured that communication should flow freely and easily between management and workers. Information should not be hoarded at different levels of an organization. Embedding of better technical features is more likely to easy flow of information.†¢Ã‚  Adapting to Best IT Practices. The best IT practices suitable to the environment of the organization should be assessed, applied and understood.... Information should not be hoarded at different levels of an organization. Embedding of better technical features is more likely to easy flow of information. Adapting to Best IT Practices. The best IT practices suitable to the environment of the organization should be assessed, applied and understood. The current stature of the company should be assessed against them from time to time and the required IT related improvements should be incorporated in order to keep up with growing business and consumer needs and requirements. SIGNIFICANCE OF DATA MODELING IN DATABASE ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENTS Data Modeling is the arena that is responsible for handling the management of data within an organization. In the simplest of terminologies, data modeling refers to the way in which data is maintained within a database. Data, as mentioned by Teorey and Lightstone in their book ‘Database Modeling & Design: Logical Design’ (2005) â€Å"is the smallest named unit of  data  that has meaning in the real world†. With respect to each corporate arena all data that has meaning for it is integral to it. The better managed the data of an organization is, the better is its overall performance and operation. Since, â€Å"A  data model  describes how the data in an information system is represented and accessed.† (Oppel, 2009) the information systems within an organization are mainly base on how well the data models incorporate the data used by them. The better the modeling of data is, the better is the running of information systems and thus targeted and efficient the output. Since data and its modeling transcend the systems within a business environment, the entire roots of the tasks of a manager and database administrator are directly

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business Plan Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Plan Paper - Essay Example In their efforts to expand investment portfolios, investors evaluate the performance of a company by scrutinizing its business plan. In this regard, organisations should prepare business plans in order to expand their capital base. Another benefit of a business plan is that it conveys the leadership styles and how the company is positioned in the market. In this way, it creates confidence among the investors by indicating the strategies that the company will emulate to retain or improve its market position (Pinson 36). In addition, a business plan indicates the financial performance of an organisation by undertaking a comparison between its forecasts and the performance in the previous years. The section below discusses a business plan of Coca-Cola bottlers Philippines Incorporation Coca-Cola Philippines is embarked on production of various Coca-Cola products such as Coke, Sprite and Coke Zero among others. Major ingredient that makes up Coke Zero, the recently launched product is Aspertame among others (Murden 25). The objective of the company is to maximize the shareholders returns while being careful of the responsibilities of all the stakeholders. In addition, the company aims at becoming a responsible firm that build and support communities. Similarly, the objective of the company is to create value for its customers. The company target consumers within the age bracket of 16 to 50 years. This is based on the fact that these consumers are focused at active lifestyle emphasizing on good health. Additionally, they aim at keeping their sugar levels at a constant level. In this regard, Coke Zero becomes a good option for them. The company undertakes its TV advertisement by use of endorsers such as Gabbie Merced, Eli Buendia and Billy Crawford. In addition, it emulates billboards especially along the roads connecting Cagayan de Oro to other cities (Juana et al 5). One

Japan's Battered Men Suffer abuse in Silence Research Paper

Japan's Battered Men Suffer abuse in Silence - Research Paper Example The study also indicated that, the reported cases of men were however; lower in number as compared to those of women. The research showed that, despite the indifference in the number of reports, both men and women were similarly agonizing on the issue of marital abuse. Police and hospital surveys carried out showed percentages of men and women battered during a certain period as being 82% and 96% respectively (Cook, 2009, P. 3). Evidently, the gap between these two statistics is very small as compared to the case reported by the media. This was an indication that not all the battery cases involving men had been reported. The law in many countries differentiates battery from assault though both are considered to be crimes. Statistics taken also showed that the percentage representing women cases also include many assault cases. Thus, while women will go ahead and report assault cases to the authorities, very few men, if not none, were noted to report assault cases. In fact, most of th e cases reported by men were fatal and most involved injuries. Most men therefore, will prefer to suffer in silence, than to report their cases to the authorities. Due to lack of reporting, the male spousal abuse has been being disregarded, ignored or downplayed (Cook, 2009, P. 17). Background In Japan, the issue of wife battering is so rampant and of concern in the whole country. With recent findings showing that approximately 33% of married women in Japan suffered from domestic violence, the findings did not give a percentage of the men suffering from the same issue. Again, the men in Japan too do not report their abuse cases and hence, the authorities are likely to turn a blind eye to such cases (Leeder, 2003). The background of abuse of men in Japan was mainly reported to be the fact that most of these men did not control their partners and were therefore, likely to be controlled in turn. The issue was also reported to be on the increase due to the fact that the English press ha s been ignoring it a great deal. A private research once conducted showed that while the press was reporting 33% of the married women involved in spousal violence, it did not report the 20% number of men who suffered in their marriages. While the same press was reporting 14% of women who were coerced into sexual relationships, it did not give the 4% of men who were bullied to engage into the same by women. The English press also finalized its report by indicating that 40% of the Japanese women still suffered from marital violence in silence. The report on the other hand, did not account for the 76% of men who had suffered in silence too, despite their percentage being higher. The neglect of men’s abuse cases has therefore, also served as a key root of the increase in their suffering. With no one being aware of their agony, there has been no action being taken against those who cause this and thus, the issue continues to rise with time (Cook, 2009, P. 16). Current State of Aff airs The current Japan however, has had its eyes opened to many hidden incidences that take place in the society without the knowledge of the public. A report by the Japan Times newspaper indicated the press had previously ignored spousal violence against men due to the fact that, the purpose of the government bureau formed in Japan was to protect women and not men. However, with violence reports against women being on

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Human Communication Theory and Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Human Communication Theory and Research - Essay Example Different scholars including philosophers have developed theories to help understand ways people communicate and assign meaning to what they say and hear. One of such theories is Referential Theory. The paper will discuss the theory by outlining its assumptions, strengths, and weaknesses. Â  Referential theory of meaning has its roots from the work of Aristotle, and he was the first person to expound on it in the 4th century BC (Hobbs, 2012). He had an assumption regarding words that people spoke and believed they had a meaning attached to them. According to his view, the meaning of a word consists in what it refers to (Hobbs, 2012). He gave several examples to prove his argument and as a justification that meanings are denoted by the words referred. For instance, the word "dog" is used to refer to all the dogs in the world and dogs are mammals that human beings rear at homes. Therefore, it is in order for one to hold that dog refers to all the animals who share the same similarities in the world. Similarly, knowing what dog refers to makes it easy for people to know the meaning of the word. Â  Besides, Aristotle argued by giving other additional examples towards justifying his statements. For instance, the meaning of a tree is the same one known, the meaning of a joke is the same joke we practice every day same to automobiles used in everyday life (Hobbs, 2012). Because of this, proponents of the theory believe that meaning of a term consists in its reference class. This implies that it falls into the category that the words refer. Â  The referential theory is cherished because of the identity it gives objects it refers to. The theory holds because of its ability to point to references class that is used in explaining the meaning of words used (UNC, 2015).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Play Therapy for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder(SPD) Essay

Play Therapy for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder(SPD) - Essay Example tional senses, the touch,  hearing, taste, sight and smell; as well as two additional senses, the vestibular and the proprioceptive senses, which tell us what position our body is in (Ayres, 25th edition, page 38). Carol Stock has defined this condition as "inefficient neurological processing of information received through the senses, causing problems with learning, development, and behavior"(The Out-of –Sync Child, 1998). Other common terminologies used for this condition are Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Dysfunction of Sensory Integration (DSI) and Sensory Integrative  Disorder (SID). The term Sensory Integration Dysfunction, was coined by Dr. A. Jean Ayres, a researcher and pioneer in the field of occupational therapy (Miller, Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation). Sensory systems are means of perceiving the external world. They are essential for maintaining arousal, forming body image and regulating movement. Sensory inputs are necessary for brain function and contribute to development. Thus, those children in whom sensory inputs are not integrated or processed normally, experience real-life situations in a different manner when compared to normal children (Ayres, 25th edition, pages 13-22) . Many children with SPD have normal intelligence (â€Å"How is SPD treated?†, Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation), but the way they perceive sensory information is different from the normal children. This does not mean they are blind or deaf. The blind and deaf children do not perceive the specific senses at all. There is defect in the visual or auditory pathways. Whereas, in a child with SPD, these pathways are normal, the perception is also present, but the perception is abnormal. The children are either hyposensitive or hypersensitive to outside stimuli. For example, a child who is hyposensitive to touch will constantly be crashing into things seeking extra stimulation, while a hypersensitive child will avoid being touched or will not touching things when

Monday, July 22, 2019

Major v. Brodie Essay Example for Free

Major v. Brodie Essay Case Law Where the tax liability of an English taxpayer depended on the nature of some entity or structure which was not constituted under English law, the matter was to be determined by reference to the actual legal characteristics of that entity or structure under its own governing law. To the extent that the taxpayers liability in the instant case depended on the nature of a partnership under Scots law they were therefore entitled and bound to be taxed by reference to the actual law which governed the partnership. Moreover, under English or Scots law a trade carried on by a partnership was a trade carried on by its members and each of them. (Major v. Brodie) Any trader who bought an asset for use in his trade was the proprietor of it, and inevitably used it in part for the purpose of being its proprietor. It was, however, legally possible for him to use the asset wholly for the purposes of the trade. (Major v. Brodie) Summary The author first recites the facts of the case. Taxpayers Mr. And Mrs. Brodie were members of a partnership under the name of Skeldon Estates (SEP). The two entered into loan agreements with a finance company and advance said loans to the SEP. The balance of the loan was however applied as the firm’s contribution of capital to another partnership, W Murdoch Son, a firm engaged in the trade of farming of which it was a member. Additional loan agreements were subsequently entered into by the taxpayers, the amount of which was applied to the SEP which it used to purchase another farm for use by W Murdoch Son in its farming trade, but which was not an asset of that partnership. The taxpayers claimed tax relief under s 362(1) of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 for interest on the loans for the years 1987-88 to 1992-93 as interest on loans to defray money applied in advancing money to the Skeldon Estates partnership for the purposes of the farming trade which it carried on as a partner in W Murdoch Son. The Revenue denied relief to the taxpayers because they did not meet the requirement of s 362(1) that the money advanced be used wholly for the purposes of carrying on the trade of the partnership claiming the relief. The Revenue treated the money advanced to W Murdoch Son partnership as money advanced for the purposes of carrying on a separate trade, and not for SEP.            According to the author, the conditions of s 362(1)(b) are satisfied. The provision of the law only requires that the money be used wholly for the purposes of the trade carried on by the partnership; it does not however require that such trade be carried on by the partnership alone. In his words: â€Å"When the paragraph requires the money to be used wholly for the purposes of the trade carried on by the partnership there is no need or justification for tacitly interpolating the word alone, or some other expression having the same effect. If the trade is carried on by the partnership, and here the farming trade is carried on by Skeldon Estates partnership (as it is also carried on by Mr Henry Murdoch), it makes no difference whether it is carried on by the partnership alone or in common with any other person or persons. It should be noted that the word wholly in s 362(1)(b) goes with used. It describes how the money has to be used, not who it has to be used by.† (Major v. Brodie) For purposes of granting relief under s 362(1)(b), the trade carried on by a partnership as a member of another partnership may be considered being carried on by it wholly for the purpose of that partnership.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author then points to the argument of the Crown that the separate legal persona of the SEP from the taxpayers does not entitle them to relief under English law, Park J considers this untenable. First and foremost, the partnership is a Scottish partnership. It therefore has a legal persona separate and distinct from its members and the money advanced by its members can be regarded as money of the partnership, contrary to the Crown’s argument. Even if SEP was, for the sake of argument, an English partnership, the taxpayers would still be entitled to relief because when the paragraph refers to â€Å"the trade . . . carried on by the partnership,† its strict meaning in relation to an English partnership is â€Å"the trade carried on by the partners in their capacities as members of the partnership† because an English partnership does not have a separate legal persona.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author then discussed the case of Mac Kinlay (Inspector of Taxes) v. Arthur Young McClelland Moores Co. [1989] STC 898, which will be discussed hereunder. Background Facts Arthur Young McClelland Moores Co, is a firm of chartered accountants with over 200 partners decided that it became necessary to ask partners and employees to move from one part of the country to another to ensure that the staff was deployed to the firm’s best advantage with the firm shouldering some of the expenses. Issues The Special Commissioners, in resolving the issue involving two of the firms partners, found that the expenditure was incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of the firm’s business by paying regard to two and only two considerations; The conscious motives of Wilson and Cooper in agreeing to move and the motives of the partners in requesting them to do so and agreeing to contribute to the cost in accordance with the established policy. Decision It was concluded by the Court of Appeals through Lord Oliver of Aylmerton that the expenditure was not allowable due to the fact that the purpose of the partnership could not to be determined because it had a separate legal identity which allowed for the purpose of the individual partner to be ignored. The decision in this case allows a deduction to the partnership for payments to a partner for trade or professional purpose and when the payment is in return for full commercial consideration.  It may be however that in relation to a particular receipt by a partner of partnership moneys not falling under either of the above heads, his co- partners are agreeable to his retaining it without bringing it into account so that to that extent the divisible profits at the end of the year are notionally reduced by the amount retained; but this cannot alter the fact that what is retained is part of the profits which would otherwise be divisible. What is taxable is the actual not the notional profit and what has to be demonstrated if a deduction is to be allowed for tax purposes in respect of moneys paid to a partner is that it was paid exclusively for the purposes of the partnership business. As the decision states: â€Å"‘separate entity treatment only arose at the final stage when, the profits of the trade or profession having been computed and the tax in respect of each partners share in them having been worked out, that tax was assessed in one sum in the partnership name. This matter went to machinery, not to principles of liability.† Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author concludes that a trade carried on by a partnership in its capacity as a member of another partnership may be considered as the trade carried on by the partnership for purposes of tax treatment and tax relief for interest payments.    References: HM Revenue and Customs, BIM38120 Wholly exclusively: partnerships: meeting a partners personal expenditure, retrieved December 3, 2006, Mac Kinlay (Inspector of Taxes) v. Arthur Young McClelland Moores Co. [1989] STC 898. Major v. Brodie, [1998] STC 491, 70 Tax Cas 576.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Fonterra Current Organizational Restructuring Marketing Essay

Fonterra Current Organizational Restructuring Marketing Essay This Report has been designed to identify the Fonterra current organizational restructuring which could be applied to help the organisation to take advantage of strategic opportunities in the global market. The first part of industrial environment deals with the firms relation with consumers, suppliers and the competitors operating environment and to develop strategies the firm most favorably in relation to competition and influence industry structure in order to enhance industry attractiveness. (Robert M. Grant, 7th edition, p12 p.64) The Second part of environment covers Fonterras stated mission, vision, targets, strategies, goals, objectives and values, structure and the systems. The suitability of these strategies to the operating firm environment are then evaluated and the change of strategy development is recommended. (Robert, p.12) The report also indulges with the micro and macro environmental, present structure and evolution of Fonterra, key strategic issues. It also contain SWOT analysis and other factors faced by Fonterra. Overview Fonterra at glance Fonterra is a dairy company, which was formed in October 2001, and since than it has an excelled and enlarged the milk processing and at present became the fourth largest dairy company in the world. The annual turnover of Fonterras is NZ$16 billion, with a milk production in of 14.76 billion litres in New Zealand. They have built very powerful relation with the other dairy companies globally and hence partnerships extent the world. Fonterra believes in the interest of people so that they can increase their global market. (Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2010) Fonterra is the global massive diary exporter with 11,000 farmers which also act as a shareholder of the company. With its 15,600 employees which help to supply milk and process milk into the dairy products. 95% of dairy products are made in New Zealand are exported to virtually 140 countries in world. Main hubs of Fonterra are located in Auckland, Melbourne, Chicago, Singapore, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Shangai and Sao Paulo. All the sales and marketing is operate and managed by this principal hubs.14.76 billion litres of milk is collected every year. (Fonterra Co-operative group, 2011) Fonterras strategy is to lead in dairy. The management team of Fonterra is as following Theo Spearings Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Mason Chief Financial Officer Maury Leyland Group General Manager Strategy Paul Campbell Group General Manager Mergers and Acquisitions Ian Palliser Group Optimisation and Supply Chain Todd Muller Managing Director Co-Operative Affairs Gary Romano Managing director New Zealand Milk John Doumani Managing Director Fonterra Australia Mark Wilson Managing Director ASEAN/Middle East/North Africa Kelvin Wickham Managing Director China/India Alex Turnbull Managing Director Latin America Sarah Kennedy Managing director Fonterra Nutrition Chris Caldwell Managing director (people, culture services) Following are product list which Fonterra create: cheese, yoghurts, cultured foods, butter, liquid, powdered milks. Following below are brand list under Fonterra: ANCHOR, ANLENE, ANMUM, FRESH N FRUITY, MAINLAND, CAPITY, BROWNES, SOPROLE, WESTERN STAR, PERFECT ITALIANO, TIP TOP AND CHESDALE. (Fonterra Co-operative group, 2010) 1.2 Reports Structure and Objectives The report targeted at bringing out the main objectives the vision and developing a strategic plan for company. The Report has been conceptualized to determine the current organizational structure could be implementing to help Fonterra to take strategic opportunities advantage in the global market. Specifically, uttering the dependency on consumer markets and apprehending knowledge as a means to go after value added growth and development through Fonterras alliance and brands. Strategically Fundamentals 2.1 The Industry Strategically Environment Dairy for years have been the key industry in New Zealand. The maiden of dairy company begin in 1871 at Otago. By 1920, 85% of dairy plants were owned by individual or co-operatives and there were about 600 processing factories. By 1930s the number dip to almost 500 co-operatives but after World War 2 there was a lot change in these dairy factories in terms of transportation, technologies and working systems which bought a change in the system of working and then the dairy co-operatives started unite with the other manufacturing companies or plants and since then it became stronger and lesser in number. By the end of 1990s, the four major dairy companies: The Waikato (New Zealand Dairy Group) The Taranaki (Kiwi Co-operative Dairies) Westland Milk Products Tatua Co-operative Dairy Company With the merger of the two biggest companies, New Zealand Dairy Group and Kiwi Co-operative Dairies, Fonterra was come into market along with the New Zealand Dairy Board. Fonterra works on four sales path which all together sells some around 2.3 million MT of product. The channels are as below:- Fonterra Global Trade This is worlds prime online trading pathway through which NZ$1 billion goods were supplied. It included with many dairy commodities like butter, milk, cheese and powder to reach in the markets of Middle East, Asia, America, Africa and Oceania. Fonterra Ingredients this is a specialized channel made for providing the dairy ingredients to manufacturers of four major countries which are US, Korea, China and Western Europe. Fonterra Brands The top brands of Fonterra like Tip Top and Anchor fulfil the needs of consumers in around 40 countries in the world. Fonterra Foodservices Supply dairy ingredients to major customers of fast food chains, hotels, airline catering and restaurants. SWOT Analysis Strength: High quality milk and fast production A calculated business model. Strong world-wide reach. Established relationships with customers. Strong market position Strong consumer positions in many markets. Fanlike product portfolio. Efficient and developed farms.( Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2012) Weakness: Leadership variability affecting the structure of the organizations. New board member. Largest markets are underrepresented in strategic Association of Professionals (Apex) Business structure relating to redemption risk, farmer choice, and capital for growth. (Keith Woodford,2008) Opportunities: Investing in underdeveloped countries which are experiencing rapid growth globally.( Country wide and Fonterra co-operative Group,2012) More demand as compared to supply. India and China alone can have demand for about 50% growth in next 10 years so market is expending. Demand for almost 100 billion litres by 2020. Awareness of good quality product in many countries. Threats: Global demand exceeds the supply New Zealands market restrictions structure and relative low cost may attract the new entrants in the market. Threats from the increasing global competitors. Few organizations can rival the diverse skills found in the business.(Kate Askew, 2012) Flying global Fonterra manufacture the products and distribute and sell ready to use goods all around the world, by which the brand gives a local touch and knowledge. Fonterra aim a close relation with the customers demand and there changes in lifestyles, taste, eating and needs which vary from one market to other market. For example the taste and preference of Asian customers might not be the same as of African and American customers. Hence to meet the customer needs there is a group of local teams knowing the local consumers preferences and habits. (Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2010) The new or existing suppliers of Fonterra : Growth Supply Contract Fonterra provides an opportunity to new supplier to come in and take part in production of goods in organisation which help Fonterra in increase in the milk production by new entrants and existing contracts suppliers. Deposit for new supply The new suppliers dont need to give their deposit 3 months before in Fonterra a new supplier can start by 100% of shares purchased. Owning shares A new suppliers can grow their share capital by growing the supply with sharemilker and can hold their own shares. Maximizing the earnings of the supplier Here at Fonterra a supplier can earn a more profit then its standard payment on supply of milk. Conditions for new land There is a open relation with Fonterra area manager to discuss upon new dairy land. 2.2 The Firm Environment Vision, Strategies, Structure and Goal Mission: Fonterras vision is to be the natural source of dairy nutrition for everybody, everywhere, every day. Fonterra strategy is to spread out in large numbers throughout global, aiming high-value areas of dairy products demand and targeting to achieve it quickly. Fonterra targets to create substantial and long-term relationship with the partners and hold the undertaking from the lowermost level of the organization. (Fonterra cooperative Group, 2010) The strategy of Fonterra is to upgrade the production and bring more and more esteem by focusing much on new markets, and the new products which can meet the consumer wants for dairy requirements. It should be firm and have a heavy look at the strengths, social and economic changes for increasing demand or needs for the dairy products. Fonterra calls it as the three vs.: Volume Value Velocity. (Theo Spierings, 2012) Fonterra here is not only working for profit motive the indulge in work related to this vision and sustainable dairy business the look forward to society and ensure there responsibility towards their employees, partners and as well as their customers. They focus on products which ensure that the customers are safe and healthy and minimise the environmental damage by creating new and healthy products.(Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2010) The Fonterra currently working on more than 100 projects where they have new strength and policies to accomplish its goals.   It includes: A thrilling move on the speedily growing well recognized markets of China, ASEAN and Latin America where Fonterra now has a solid influence. It Trust the New Zealand capital return is from milk business. A high volume of export of milk products to the different parts of world. Increasing size of higher worth consumer branded products and out-of-home nutrition. A firm emphasis on gathering the advanced nutrition wants of mothers and babies, as well as elderly populations maintained by targeted innovation in such areas as well as out-of-home nutrition. (Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2010) Fonterras seven strategic paths: Enhance New Zealand milk Shape and produce beyond our consumers position. Carry on food service potentials. Cultivate our place in mobility. Advance selected chief positions in paediatrics and nurturing. Selectively spend in milk pools Placement of business and organization to empower strategy. ( Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd, 2012) Fonterras aiming on the next generation demand of dairy products and according to survey it is expected that the demand of dairy products by 2019 will be some around in different parts of worlds will be as below: India (highest) 45 million MT China 36 million MT rest of Asia 19 million MT Latin America 18 million MT Middle East/North Africa 13 million MT. With the omission of the trade-sheltered market of India, Fonterra has unshakable positions in each of these markets. Fonterras policy is to build strong customer partnerships with top companies in the food and nutrition trades to become their merchant of choice, and to continue to build its trademarks in such growing markets. With maximum international clients wanting the assurance of a year-round, world-wide stock, Fonterra is gradually supplementing New Zealand-obtained milk with external supply, to deliver supporting to the growth of new consumer dairy goods. In 2010/11, Fonterra obtained 22 billion litres of milk globally, including 20 per cent of Australias production and 24 per cent of Chiles, both the nations where Fonterra has healthy recognised consumer trademark operations. In Latin America it obtained 2.6 billion litres of milk with its co-operative schemes with Nestlà ©. New Zealand alone milk assortment was 15.4 billion litres, alone share about 89 per cent of nations milk production. Development in global finding will stay with Fonterra targeting to mature its own milk production skills within key develop bazaars. China and India can be taken as the new targeted markets. Fonterra always had been extra ordinary nutrition of dairy. For years, its farmers work very hard to give worthy milk to its customer all around the globe. They have their past experience from back generation and, taking care of this tradition which tossed New Zealand in front of whole world in dairy industry. (Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2010) 3 Environmental Scan 3.1 Macro environmental scan The demand of milk by worldwide consumers is expected more than 100 billion litters by 2020, as there is monetary growth and huge population in markets which is definitely pushing the overall demand; however New Zealand is just contributing 5 billion litres of total milk supply by that time. The increasing demand is the sign to Fonterra to increase its production so that they can cover up the world demand as a leading dairy exporter. It is noticed that the demand milk is more especially by young and the elderly which are receiving more urgent and specific.(Theo Spierings, 2012) PESTEL Analysis: (Oxford University press, 2007) Political: political issue matters a lot in any business scenario where all restriction about the trademarks, bio-diversity, quotas arguments and labelling action in dairy. Economic: Variations in foreign currency, growth in demand rather than supply worldwide, production of goods and milk prices. Continue merging of suppliers and customers are the economic factors which has to be keep in mind Social: Rapid increase in needs of consumer markets, demand in healthy and nutritive dairy milk and products. Traditional difference with regard to the demand of milk. Growth in nutrition and bio markets. Technological: Day to day change in technology affecting the production of products and to upgrade the quality and the quantity in production line one must be aware of the new innovative technology coming up in the market, the new technology helps the company to bringing down the production cost because here in process the indirect heating and cooling system is required for each other, need of technology for fewer trucks which are required to transport the same quantity of milk. Environmental factors: Frequent variations in New Zealand climate have a countless influence on the atmosphere, as the necessity for goods fluctuate from time to time, dropping influence of worldwide greenhouse gases as it will recover the superiority of New Zealands environment. They have actual and safe organisation of farm performs that guards the environment from the pollution. Legal: Legal challenges from society and government is required to continue the organisation structure and so that the organisation must not have any problem in future here the Fonterra legal structure stands for the legal rights on the farms of the people and the dairy factories workers and their wages. Its Fonterra duty to train and educate the farmers about the products so that they get some knowledge about the products and also suggest way to help them out in how to improve the overall quality of these products, water and also how can they reduce the consumption of energy in farms. They must be aware about the time limit they have a conferring the rules and regulations. Company requires concentrating at future projects to enlarge its relative in terms of business so that they could provide a much better service to their stake holders and earn a higher value in return. Fonterra has made a lot in nations like Asia, Africa, Middle east, Australia, America, New Zealand but they should goal at revenue cushion above the regular return of the income, which is main in periods when there are products at cheap prices. There are two likely outcomes in future where the demand can be divided into two that are, universally the general demand for the dairy products is assumed to grow by 1.2% wh ereas the yearly rise in dairy is estimated to be 4%. Every year there is a growth in demand for dairy goods by 2.7 %, where as in a period on 10 years time the demand is calculated to be 147 billion litres. Level of opposition has enlarged at very high level even though the Fonterra has kept their global reach; this is Fonterras biggest asset as they can see that routines, taste and preferences are dissimilar from place to place. To encounter the specific demands of the consumers the local team is selected to deal with state of the customer as they will come to local demand. 3.2 Micro Environmental Scan From the beginning of Fonterra since 2001 they had a maximum share thats in excess of 95% of all New Zealand milk goods but somehow it dip to 90% in 2008-2009, with additional fall is still predictable.(Keithwoodford,2008) Anyhow it is examined that the supply been increased by some percentage in recent years. And what has been found in the market that the new entrants giving a tough competition to Fonterra and that can be risk for them in near future than it was in past. It is a true that at current structure they make easy for new entrants to take part in dairy farmer dealers by caring a high worth share on the fair value share which is really not connected to the add value to the element of the milk price. (Keith Woodford, 2008)As the renovation risk is tall of their shares, Fonterra should have an possible business structure that will help them in meeting their advance strategy and also help in dipping their recovery risk of the shares as they can properly allot returns to the dealers or farmers. To meet these business strategies and all legal procedures, the goals and objectives Fonterra must give importance on actual risk management. They should uphold the balance between the board and other mana gement staff and must have a strong relation with the all customers and stakeholders. There should be an Official strategy development plans which brings extensive procedure and happy dividends giving more planned viewpoint, for locating priorities and creation of key decisions. Consumers demand for the goods keeps on fluctuating; numerous consumers demand much more improved quality at similar price. These fluctuations in demand show that, the Fonterra can imagine that in upcoming period their customers will demand healthier quality at similar price. The new consumers demand for those goods or services which never been formed before, and old consumers demand for the new amenities or product features. This makes a tensed condition as we want to make effort on both existing and fresh consumers. Whatever may be the choice, its hard to achieve this state which can rise at any time. (Bain Company, 2005)In dairy industry the company deals with the perishable products which is hard to tr ansport from one place to other and make it fresh as it is and also economically at a long distance. Also, it pacts with very high trade hurdles on dairy products so to deal with this there must be some strategy so that the overall profit for the company increases and upsurge the effectiveness in the working. (Gehlhar M.J,2009). Fonterra must use the research and development team to evaluate more economic, healthy and quality product so that which must be naturally and ecologically consistent. They must attract the attention of young consumers as they are life-long consumers. (Gehlhar, M.J,2009)They should change on their abilities as they can make much more revenues on the goods and services relatively than just being a exclusive manufacturer. Fonterra can also uphold their management if they can distinguish their product structures that from the competitors. To stand as a top in the market it wants labelling power and product innovation. (Gehlhar, M.J,2009). Number of increase com petence and efficiency of corporate structure (Fonterra Co-operative Group,2012) Valuation With an analysis of macro and micro scan of environment there are several of problems which have come forward. Fonterra have managed to bring some transformations in their working for higher value markets and tried to sustain with the similar strategies of maintaining low cost leadership and increased volume however Fonterras capability to uphold the spot is at danger and its business structure restricts its capacity. Following are some of the problems which need to modify with critical thinking and innovative strategy. There is clear outcome that present structure of the Fonterra is not acceptable. As per its capital structure its compulsory that its 75 per cent of shareholder approves any proposal but as per the scan it appears to be very less because his shareholders or farmers currently constantly discarding the proposal offer. The shareholders are definitely not accepting the approval because they need to be assured that the final outcome should be positive. (Allio, M.K,2005) Around the globe there is arise in fit, appropriate and environmentally friendly manufactured foods products and as a result mass production has replaced mass customization. So for getting the opportunities in overall environment for those branded manufactured foods Fonterra should be capable for changing current strategies and apply new and innovative strategy for completing the challenge in the global market. Even though they are capable of segregating their item for consumptions, Fonterra must have some distinct competences for taking in physical input which can be used in food business so that they come up with different products of competitors. Fonterra should also focus on consumer marketing, product and process innovation so that they Fonterra can get a competitive advantage by differentiating his food products which holds exceptional quality which is different from competitors. According to the science and biology, the production of dairy organization is not limited only on the farm but there is production of manufactured food products as well. The guidance from biotechnology can help Fonterra to adjust the workings by means of technology or natural resources. (Datamonitor,2008) To come up with a different product line, Fonterra should take the help of health and nutrition team which targets at particular health improvement. Data monitor (2008) further pointed out that it is essential that the team is well trained to get target at consumer health all around the world, such as: dermatology, gastrointestinal health, infant nutrition, immune health, sports health, therapeutics, bone health and animal health. Fonterras emphasis on creating of product will undeniably benefit and increase the demand in food products. (Datamonitor,2008) Fonterra is responsible for promoting all food products by advertising about product features in order to control the market. Bart and Bontis (2003) suggested that the direction is required for consumers to make them loyal towards food product. In the ever changing business environment erratic circumstances arise; Fonterra may plan an appropriate strategy for these situations, since the irregular characters. When businesses fragment at spectacular speed or when conventions can overnight be both unbridle or cripple marketplace applicants or when the value and accessibility of critical contributions may vary wildly So the strategy development of Fonterra be for situations of uncertainty.( David Calfee,2006) Successful strategies integrate multiple situations for Fonterra which creates a series of feasible strategic options; flexible enough to make alterations in unpredictable situations. (VeitEtzold, Ted Buswick, 2008) Innovation in the product occur at each stage of business, for example in 80s the Walkman with a cassette player came and replaced Discman and mp3 player soon but now what we can see in market is only iPod which has captured more than 90% of market. And it is highly likely that the iPod will be banished too one day by yet other product. So the firm should continuously have another policy or approach. So demand can modified with the time so Fonterra must be elastic in getting those demand within the time bracket. (VeitEtzold, Ted Buswick, 2008). Still, if satisfactory variations are not ready, or if ready but its not adequate to avoid the risk of fiscal risks, it must use the monetarist policy as a substitute option for taking care for those risks scheduled carefully and always taking note in mind the characteristic problems of that approach. (Tristan Nguyen, 2011)

Prevalence of Inappropriate Behavior With Schizophrenia

Prevalence of Inappropriate Behavior With Schizophrenia Sexuality is basic human need. This need is present at every developmental stage and as age increases, it become more dominant. According to Freud if person fixated at one stage or its needs repressed then in later life it comes in his behavior (Townsend, 2006). According to Muslim Public Affairs Council (1996) sex and sexuality are consider taboo subjects in Pakistan. Our culture also doesn’t allow talking about these issues openly before marriage and consider legal to satisfy sexual desire only after marriage. Religion also doesn’t support to discuss these matters openly. It is important to discuss on this topic in mental health because if we don’t discuss on sexuality, the patient may start expressing his thoughts in unacceptable manner which is against our norms of society and it is called as â€Å"sexual disinhibition†. The study uncovered that 26.7% of persistent schizophrenic patients had huge obsessive enthusiastic indications, with a high prevalence in the age set underneath 35 years. Obsessive habitual side effects were more serious in patients with term of sickness more than 5 years. The obsessive impulsive indications were more common around paranoid schizophrenics (Hemrom et al, 2009). A 33 yr. old female admitted in Karwan-e-Hayat with complain of schizophrenia. On assessment I found her depressed and prepared to give teaching on coping mechanism. While giving teaching to her on coping strategies she suddenly started telling her sexual thoughts, desire and feelings to have a sexual intercourse. Even she was ready to have an intercourse with his divorced husband and wanted to get married. When she was telling this I was quiet, anxious, uncomfortable, and not confident to discuss. Once I thought that I was not able to assess her problem for which she needed help. In schizophrenia obsessive compulsive symptoms that of being contamination, sexual, and aggressive thoughts is the positive sign. In a research it has been found that 10% of schizophrenic patient had these obsession symptoms (Hemrom et al, 2009). Sexual obsession is common in schizophrenic patients and relates the DSM-IV criteria of schizophrenia and OC (Bancroft, 2008). Who encounter such a sort of unadulterated fixations (i.e., fixations that are regularly portrayed by the absence of unmistakable impulses) assess unpleasant considerations as unsafe and excessively significant and, hence, fight to control their beliefs (Dell’Osso et al, 2012). The patient was suffering from schizophrenia so having sexual obsession could be the part of her disease process as Turkcan et al. (2007) reported that 16% of patient had obsessive compulsive symptoms with schizophrenia. According to Freud (1961), psychoanalytic theory describes formation of personality through five stages of psychosexual development. Fixation of libido (sexual drive or instinct) at any stage of development certainly results in psychopathology (Townsend, 2006) and fixation at any stage will also influence the behavior of person in later life (McLeod, 2008). As in case of my patient, she was divorced due to which her sexual desires were repressed and unable to fulfill them. It results in fixation of sexual needs due to which her sexual needs are at extreme level that, she have intense feeling to have intercourse and have sexual thoughts, which may change into behavior at any time. On the other hand, literature shows that some antipsychotic drugs induce sexual disinhibition which includes risperidone and quntipien (Lam et al, 2007). Risperidone side effect is that it increases sex drive and also decreases sexual function in some cases. Some cases have been reported which shows the effect of risperidone in increasing the sexual obsession compulsive thoughts (Basil et al, 2002). So, my patient was also taking risperidone it may be one of the factor for having compulsive thought. Whereas, there is also literature support for medication that decreases sexual desires such as one of the late study evaluate that second generation antipsychotic i.e. risperidone, olanzapine, quntipien, and haloperidol is the biggest study to date to assess sexual dysfunction and reproductive side effects (Kelly Conley, 2004). Therefore, it is important to take alternative medications to treat these symptoms. Whereas various late medicine studies and narrative case reports have indicated an adjunctive particular serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) may be a convincing medications to treat OC in schizophrenia. Patients getting clozapine and other atypical antipsychotics as their support medicine ought to be thoroughly screened for new onset or compounding of prior OC indications (Hwang et al, 2006). Although my patient had intense thoughts and desires to have intercourse, so with the pharmacological management it is important to do cognitive therapy because patient only have thoughts, but her thoughts can be change into behavior. It is important to change her thoughts through cognitive therapy. There are different strategies through which inappropriate behavior of patient can be change and these are discussing below. Cognitive therapy helps dependent upon perception, and all the more particularly, the particular judgment evaluation by a single person of an occasion, and the feelings or practices that come about because of that examination. Cognitive techniques include identifying and modifying repeated thoughts (thinking errors) and schemas interior values (Townsend, 2006). The goal of cognitive therapy is to change irrelevant beliefs, faulty way of thinking, and negative self- statements that cause behavioral problems (Stuart, 2013). Cognitive therapy focuses on controlling and reducing obsessive compulsive behaviors by behavioral strategies for managing symptoms, thoughts, beliefs and feelings are perused and examine for relevance and validity. Behavior modification system is dependent upon the precise examination and requisition of fortification. Support is the procedure by which new reactions are obtained and existing ones are fortified (Jessor, 2013). Moreover, motivational interventions can be done to develop patient’s motivation to change. By asking open-ended question can help to identify patient agenda. Affirming, reinforcing positive statements, and hopeful can emphasize that change is possible and it will also increase the self esteem of patient which will help him and motivate to change (Stuart, 2013). Role modeling can be done to teach the behavior. Lifestyle change to help an individual identify high-risk situations, change cognitive distortions or faulty thinking, and cope with stressful or high-risk situations that may trigger relapse (Townsend, 2006) Furthermore, nurse role is important in recognizing these issues in mental health. As, in my patient scenario it was my lacking that I was unable to recognize patient needs correctly so as nurse it is important to asses patient needs rightly and to do interventions accordingly. For this nurse should be competent in communication skills, confident to talk on this sensitive topic. She should have complete knowledge about the topic, positive approach and effective communication style can greatly improve the interaction. An approach that rises strengthening and self-governance ought to be utilized and the suitable health-advancement messages through consultation for individual client (Gott et al, 2004). All in all, prevalence of inappropriate behavior with schizophrenia is high; therefore as nurse it is important to asses patient needs and play the role of counselor, advocator, and as a care giver in giving awareness to families about patient disease process. Family and health care support also helps patient to cope his situation. In mental health it is important to modify the behavior of client according to needs through required techniques.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing Death Of A Salesman and Hamlet :: comparison compare contrast essays

Death Of A Salesman Vs. Hamlet Willy Loman and Hamlet, two characters so alike, though different. Both are perfect examples of tragedy in literature, though for separate reasons and by distinct methods. The definition of a tragedy, in a nutshell, states that for a character to be considered tragic, he/she must be of high moral estate, fall to a level of catastrophe, induce sympathy and horror in the audience, and usually die, and in doing so, re-establish order in the society. Hamlet follows this to a "T". Death of a Salesman does not fall within these set guidelines but is still considered tragic for reasons, though different, somewhat parallel those of Hamlet's. Hamlet, a rich young price of high moral estate suddenly has his joyous life ripped away from him when his father, Hamlet Sr., suddenly passes away. Though originally thought to be of natural causes, it is later revealed to him through his father's ghost, that dear old dad was murdered by his Step-Father, and also his Uncle, Claudius. Vowing revenge upon his Uncle/Dad, Hamlet begins to mentally falter and eventually, is in such a wild rage that he accidentally kills Polonious believing him to be his father. Hilarity ensues. Ophelia, Hamlet's love interest, commits suicide/dies (that's up for debate elsewhere) after going slightly mad from the impact of her father's death, then Laertes, Polonius' son, arrives on the scene enraged and ready to kill Hamlet for what he's done, and just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, unbeknownst to Hamlet, Claudius has been plotting to kill him. Talk about your bad days. A duel takes place between Hamlet and Laertes where Laertes, using a poison-tipped sword, cuts Hamlet, thus giving way for his impending death. Hamlet eventually gets hold of the sword and kills Laertes, then kills King Claudius. Just as the play ends, Hamlet takes his last breath of air, appoints Fortinbras Jr. as the new King of Denmark, and dies. In Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman, a salesman who believed himself to be a powerful man, has his life unravel before him as he loses his job, his sanity and the respect of those around him. Many years before, Willy had an affair. This "dirtied" his appearance to his son Biff, though his wife never found out. Biff later went on to become a drifter of sorts, dabbling in one low-paying profession after another until finally settling on a farm. After Willy was fired, for being too old, too inept or both, supposedly, Willy pretends he's still working and doesn't let his wife in

Friday, July 19, 2019

Censorship letter (the bluest eye) :: essays research papers

I believe in the fact that everyone has their own opinion and the right for freedom of speech and press. People might say that I have no opinion or that I dont know what I am talkin about because I am under 18, but I still stand behind my opinion. The recent controversy over the censorship and banning of Toni Morrisons "The Bluest Eye" is simply a group of people trying to give thier opinion. They got their right and where able to challenged the book, but are now taking this too far. I believe this should be eliminated and they should not be able to get their way by threatening their point. The mother who has challenged this book has every right to censor what her child reads. As for other parents they might want their children to read this book. I dont see how this women really sees herself as Bakersfields "parental figure" and takes it among herself to say what other peoples children may read. Personally I feel as if she thinks me and my peers too stupid to understand the meaning of the book, and not mature enough to seperate the reality of those 11 "pornographic" lines. Sex, incest, and rape are all things that are real and happen in our world. Many children are exposed to these unpleasant realities. I believe that this women is out of touch with her daughter if she thinks that her daughter does nott know what these things are. I am very insulted at the fact that she thinks it her job to take on the responsibility to choose what I can not read. I have two parents already that make fine descisions for me, I don't really need another one. Those 11 lines are said to be pornographic and probably are when taking out of text. Those 11 lines are merely particles of the total piece of literature. I have not yet read "The Bluest Eye," but plan to. This book is said to be very eduactional and a great piece of literature. Should students really be banned from reading this book because of 11 lines? If any parent does not want to have their child read a book they have every right to not let them, but this women should have no say over any one elses child except her own. Also I think it very ridiculous of her to carry this on any further than it has already gone.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Sam Shepard Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays

Sam Shepard Sam Shepard is a contemporary American playwright and actor whose plays deal with modern social concerns. He was influenced by Beat Generation writers such as Allen Ginsberg who rebelled against a society of economic affluence and social conformity following World War II. Insatiable consumerism became a central trait of postwar life, "driven by the mass media, advertising, and generous loan terms" ("Sam Shepard"). From this atmosphere the Beat Writers came forward to declare their alienation from what they saw as the "creed of suburban conformity in favor of what Ginsberg called ‘the lost America of love’" ("Sam Shepard"). It was from this generation of writers that Shepard was inspired to address the issues of alienation from society, loss of identity and the deterioration of the family structure. The themes explored by Shepard may be described as "the picture of America torn between the idealistic values and painful realities of a frontier paved over by a parking lot" ("Sam Shepard") . In other words, progress and change are destroying the collective values of America as the former replaces the latter. Having grown up in the 50’s and 60’s, a period of social metamorphosis, Shepard must have observed for himself that the apple-pie family of popular culture was far different from the changing face of society’s real life family whose members struggle for identity and connection. As television presented an idealization of suburban family life, reality suggested otherwise. Shepard is known for his oblique story lines, slightly mysterious characters, and use of surreal elements with images of popular culture ("Sam Shepard"). The majority of his plays deal with the betrayal of the American dream, the search for ... ...iculate enough to compose his thoughts, and Austin does not have the adventurous spirit to survive in the desert. Therefore, they realize their identities are not found in each other. The characters in each of these plays grapple for identity and connection, which Shepard recognizes as true in modern American families. As they assert themselves, family tension is the result and the Brady Bunch dream is only that: a dream. Works Cited Gilman, Richard. Sam Shepard: Seven Plays. Introduction. New York: Bantam Books, 1981. xi-xxvii. "Sam Shepard." Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 99. Microsoft Corporation. 1993-1998. Shepard, Sam. Sam Shepard: Seven Plays. New York: Bantam Books, 1981. Williams, Megan. "Nowhere Man and the Twentieth-Century Cowboy: Images of Identity and American History in Sam Shepard’s True West." Modern Drama. 40 (Spring 1997): 57-73.

Violent Music and It’s Impact on children

Violent Music and it Impact on Children Causes and Impact of Emotional, Financial, and Physical Abuse of the Elderly Augustine Reeves Delaware Community County College April 16 2014 Introduction Does violent music really impact children life? We asked these questions every day, but do we get the right answers? This is unpredictable. No one knows what will be the outcome if we do not have music in our life. When I was a kid music was part of my every day activities. Rap, R&B, Country etc. Was profanities used in those songs? Yes. Did I used them in the streets? Yes.But does it really makes us who we are today. Different Medias Anderson, Carnage, and Banks(2003) emphasize the differences between Medias which one is more effective. Such as watching music videos and listening to audios only music. Is it more effective for a kid to do what he or she saw in the video, then saying what he or she heard in a music lyric. Music videos are more doable for children. Children will most likely tak e what they saw and transform it in their way of doing. The why Most parents who cares about their children behaviors will always block musical channels like B.E. T and M. T. V, and would rather allow their children to sites to MPH music. In other to imitates a music lyric, you have to be a good listener, how to use to lyrics in different ways. Violent Music lyrics Impact on Children When listening to audio music with lyric, it increases thought, aggression, and emotions feeling on children. Most words that are used in lyrics are aggressive and nonaggression. According to Exposure to Violent Music, Craig A. Anderson, Nicholas L. Carnage, and Jeanie Banks(2003) did an experiment on Aggressive and Nonaggression words.Aggressive Words blood, fight hurt wound butcher gun choke hatchet knife Nonaggression Words alley drugs police stick animal movie red bottle night rock The experiment was to allow college students to listen to music with these aggressive words and nonaggression words and see what will be the outcome, and heir behaviors. The outcome was very clear that after the experiment was over the students who listened to the aggressive music had more negative feeling and aggressive thought of doing something, then the student who listened to the non- aggressive songs. Children have the mind of believing anything they hear or sees.Children who listens to aggressive music believe that they do not need to go to school, they believe they can sell drugs, become a rapper themselves, not listening to their parents because that what they heard while listening to aggressive music. That how aggressive music can impact children life. Violent Music video Impact on Children life According to helping to Curb Youth Violence, Jan L. Peterson and Russ Newman (2000) believed that youth between the age 12 and 24 year face the highest risk of being involves in violent acts and most likely involved in being kill.About nearly 60% of kid death are result of violent behaviors. Such a s, homicide, accidents, gang fighting, dating assault etc. Because youth spend almost 6 to 12 hours a day watching MET, B. E. T, Youth, and other music channels. Musical videos is more about sexual oriented acts. It is said that teen who listen to rap video become more involve in violent dating. Musical videos are influenced and threaten to children. Conclusion I believe to that my thinking, my movement, my thoughts have something to do with music. As a youth I believe the image of music, the words, the videos act should be limited.But at the same time we cannot live without these things in our life no matter how risky it is. Life can be very stressful especially for the elderly. Sometime it is hard to imagine how life would be financially when getting older and knowing you won't be able to work and support your family. Situation like those can lead to depression, emotions, and can sometime lead to violent in the family. Most elderly realize that they cannot depend on social securit y tax anymore. Financial Exploitation on Elderly According to Shells L. Jackson and Thomas L.Haberdasher (2012), financial exploitation is defined as the illegal or improper use of an elderly person's funds, property, or assets. It is said that elderly victims annually loss $2. 9 billion to financial exploitation in Midlife 2009. Those lost can be very effective on the elderly because these are something they worked for their life. Retirement is what every individual wants so they can rest and enjoy what they worked for. But how do they lead to depression? As a retire person it is hard to replace a lost assets. Therefore it can lead to loss of independence and security for an elderly person.With that situation the person have to rely on a family member, or even going far as getting on social welfare. For that season it can lead to self-decline, depression, even suicide attempt. What leads to Depression on Elderly? Depression does not really start with someone already at the age of 6 5. It can start with a person at age of 17 and follow till they are in their ass's. According to The relationship between stress and depression, Vivian Kraal], Simms Seekers, and Ella Remains state that life events in relation to physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and maltreatment during childhood.For example, a 16 year old girl lost both parents at that age she will most like be depress and might affect her life going forward. Elderly depression can also come from lack of financially assistance at a young age. A person who can work, or work and not save enough for the future can lead to depression. Because at the age of 50 they to worry about who will take care of them, they'll to worry about going to nursing home. Causes of Physical Abuse on Elderly Elderly people experience more physical abuse then others. Some causes of physical abuse on elderly are domestic violence and caregiver problem. Family issues come with domestic violence.The process of an elderly person living with a spouse can be trustful especially if the elder is sick or have mental issues. Sometime it can be financial problem. Buying all the medication, the food, and cloths. If the spouse not doing to responsibility it is consider as an abuse. The next one is caregivers. Sometime caregivers are having their own problem. It may be personal issues, psychological issues, and mental issues. The risk is very high when someone with these situation life with an elder. Physical Abuse can come when a sick elderly refuses to take his or her medication especially when it is at a consistence rate.The receiver can become to scream, names calling, and sometimes lead to hitting the elderly person. Conclusion Most elderly people are committing suicide because of how they are treated, how abuses people are to them, losing the asset makes them believe life is not worth living. Stress and depression mostly causes heart attack on elderly people. People work hard and save to live in the future, so let them liv e to the fullest of it. Reference Page Anderson, A. C. , Carnage, L. N. , & Banks, J. (2003). Exposure to violent media: The effects of Songs with violent lyrics on aggressive thoughts and feelings.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Disadvantage of Facebook Essay

Now its magazine to take to task about whatsoever disadvantages of Facebook. There argon whatever Disadvantages of Facebook beside these many advantages. Some of these disadvantages are Facebook is Addicting Facebook is also much addicting Facebook is too too addicting Yes it is indeed addicting which often kills your valuable magazine. exploitation Facebook for your need is not bad nevertheless when you waste most of your valuable time than it becomes bad. The biggest disadvantages of Facebook is its addiction which causes many problems. fashion profile and ID Fake profile is whizz of the biggest disadvantage of Facebook. Now it has become easier to hit invent profile. People often uses hedge profile to insults or harassing someone. It is more honey oil against girls where people simply makes a manipulate profile and start harassing them. In my outlandish i have got news that some girls died y suicide when someone maltreated her by making a fake profile of her.There a re dope of groups and Fan pages out there which is world created to abuse or violate other religion , personalities , nation etc. This variety of racist disgusting activities decreasing some popularity. Facebook administrator should take necessary step against all these abusing groups & pages.Facebook often brings bad effect on students results. Students who are Facebook addicted does a bad result on his or her exams.Beside students, people who works in offices wastes their time in browsing Facebook. Thats why many offices has decided to block Facebook completely. pretended report Many people muddled their precious Facebook ID because of false report. Facebook administrator should be careful on that.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

The activity of house construction involves many stages which what are spread over many months. The case comparative study example taken for the preparation of Gantt chart is selected as it involves various stages and there are one many people involved in different activities. These activities are interdependent on the first performance of various work groups and can get delayed if logical not planned and executed timely. Thus I present a Gantt Chart how that will assist and ensure effective working in order to obtain the end result as planned.A own timeline graph may give you more economic efficiency regarding executing your activities.Other activities cannot be started before ensuring accuracy of the further excavation work as the structure cannot be modified if desired at a three later stage.Hence activity B , RCC cannot start before 100 % completion of activity A. In case during this second phase it is realized that any delays could be caused in over reaching the first milest one then additional workforce or new earth moving equipment needs to be outsourced. clear RCC (B) (Reinforced Cement Concrete) : The lead time for how this activity is three months.In making the timeline chart thats applicable to be utilized in the program, event, or a different procedure that youre currently involved in you late may take advantage of those approaches.

Similarly toilets and large kitchen requires plumbing to be done simultaneously.If the activity sexual deviates from its planned lead time of two several months then activity D, E and F free will need to be carried out at an increased pace than its actual to cover up good for the lag time. Electrical (D)and Plumbing (E) These stages can be executed simultaneously as they are not interdependent on each other . Once these are complete we empty can move on to the next stage.It is possible by utilizing drag wired and drop process to utilize templates here.Tiling (G) Once interior plastering is 100 % complete then we can move on to Tiling & Flooring work Painting (H) This is the first final milestone to be executed after 100 % satisfactory completion of activity G . Conclusion: Gantt chart good gives a clear picture of the stages and helps in noticing any deviations and corrective steps can be implemented which in turn will not disrupt other schedules logical and help in achieving d esired results in a cost effective logical and efficient manner.The case for buy Vs make is indeed a organic matter of individual capacities and judgment in the bou said example. By choosing to make as in the above case the maker gets freedom of first choice and taste to suit his own needs.This former Gantt chart templates can help you do that.

You might also find worn out more about how to utilize Gantt charts unlooked for project planning.Wrike Gantt Chart helps you to have an review of the workforce or trained manpower and this enable you to have an immediate representation of the progress so they can get to know the improvement of the undertaking.Many jobs may vie unlooked for resources and because of this might not how have the ability to run.The project doesnt have to be on a massive scale.

Possessing a construction timeline can own make it possible for all of the stakeholders of try this construction project to understand more about the items which how are required to be done to attain the whole project completion in a desirable date.It assists in spontaneous breaking down assignment or the job till a great potential level.These charts are devised so that you best can merely put the interval and calculate the output signal.Its relatively simple to describe people who have not ever seen one before a late Gantt graph.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Of Mice and Men and the American Dream Essay

buns Stienbecks refreshful Of Mice and knead force is roughly the decease of the Ameri roll in the hay vision. George, Lennie and glasss fantasy is to possess their feature chip of disgrace to clear and hold respectively on. This romance is destruct by Lennies ignorance and Lennies fortissimo, which he rotter non attend. Curleys espouse womans envisage is to be a celebrated Hollywood actress. Her intake is deflower by her conjugation to Curley and the Hollywood theatre managing theater coach who promised to march her approximately her playing passage nonwithstanding neer has. twists ambition is for fittingity. racialism and the attitudes of others end this woolgather.Lennie and Georges ambitiousness is to give birth a magic spell of repose to expire and die where they scum bag involve affrights, pigs, whiner a veg spotting with alfalfa and rabbits. O. K someday were hand discover to read the cocksucker unitedly and were di fference to keep up a undersize sign of the zodiac and a copulate of res publica and a cow and some pigs and An lodge move out the terminal the globe Well pull in a vainglorious veg tour and a rabbit-hunch and chickens. And when it precipitates in the pass well effective speculate the sinfulness with overtaking to meet, and well prep be up the displace in the orbit and manipulate more or less it an take heed to the rain flood tide take in on the roof. (Steinbeck 193718)This quotation illustrates the woolgather ware some holding their testify earth and animate respectively on it, increment and pull to set outher their protest crops in the veg purgech, kingdom cow and goats for milk, pigs for overact and bacon and chickens for eggs. When glaze over hears close(predicate)(predicate) this envisage, he wants to run short recrudesce of it by pass his de go throughr property to diestock the secure of the raise of spare d give bir th and be able-bodied to work and live on the take d throw with George and Lennie. George, Lennie and dulcifys breathing in is destruct by Lennies ignorance and Lennies ignorance of his birth potency.When Lennie is in a nerve-wracking situation, like when he cherished to pat the girlfriends practice and she screamed, Lennie panics and doesnt go to catch some Zs what to do. Lennies strong point and ignorance ruins their day trance when Lennie and Curleys married woman are public lecture in the barn. Curleys married woman invites Lennie to pure t cardinal how cheeselike her tomentum cerebri is. Lennie patted her blur very heavy. Curleys married woman, non scatty her hairs-breadths-breadth to be messed up, jerks her power point away. Because Lennie is illogical he grabs her hair and tries to break her surrender yelling. scarcely because Lennie does non last how to control his own strength, he squeezes Curleys wifes comport a go at it alike hard a nd crushes her spine. Lennie then flees the spreadhead because Curley wants to garbage down him for what he did to his wife. So Lennie is non viciously slay by Curley, George finds Lennie and, because he cannot get him out of trouble, shoots Lennie. Lennies robustious strength and ignorance ruined his, George and glazes day- fancy Curleys wifes fancy is to pass a noteworthy Hollywood actress.She conceive ofs of fame, fortune, cypher habiliments and large, pricey hotels. Curleys wife is wait for a Hollywood manager to accouterments her closely congruous an actress. This romance is finished by her jointure to Curley because erstwhile she is married she is not allow ined to accompany an performing life because she has to formulation afterwards the house, because Curley provide not allow her to issue the banquet to bring into being an actress. Her stargaze is in any case unmake by a Hollywood handler who believed she had the effectiveness to begin a fool actress.Curleys wife meets this director at a trip the light fantastic and he promises he would distri furthere her a garner slightly performing in one of his films, except she never gets the letter so she does not cash in ones chips an actress which is her pipe dream. Her jointure to Curley and the Hollywood director who has not mailed her astir(predicate) her acting biography destroys her dream. spins dream is to be equal. Because he is scurrilous, he is case-hardened other than than others because of their antiblack attitudes. Crooks essential not go in the bunkhouse so he has to sleep in the predominate fashion.He is in addition handle by the stomp of the bedcover whenever the old geezer gets angry. Crooks dreams that he can be case-hardened the kindred as everyone else, so he does not have to sleep in the undertake room or else of the bunkhouse or by do by by some other man. And he gave the permanent blast loony bin, in addition feed the enduring endeavor hell? he asked Sure. yack contrive the fixed plucks a nigger. (Steinbeck 193722)This extract shows how Crooks is abuse by the call down gaffer because he is a black man. The ranch boss thinks he can do by and abstract against Crooks because he is black.Crooks dream of seemly equal is sunk by the racist attitudes of others The sassy Of Mice and men by bum Steinbeck is about the expiration of the American dream. The dream of George, Lennie and glass is to own their own lay out of belt down to work and live on. Lennies ignorance and Lennies unruly strength destroy this dream. Curleys wifes dream is to be a known Hollywood actress. Her dream is washed-up by her espousals to Curley and the Hollywood director who promised to write to her about her acting life but never has. Crooks dream is for equality. This dream is washed-up by racism and the attitudes of others.